Feb 2, 2021, 9:10:39 PM (4 years ago)

ValExtLinks: Changed --suggest-snapshots to --suggest-snapshots-ng and added --suggest-snapshots-ok for getting snapshot URLs for all good links. This can be used to confirm that sites are backed up in case they die in the future, but note that this argument will take hours to run due to the API rate limit. Added awareness of API rate limit so Archive.org will not start blocking script.

1 edited


  • Validate External Links/Sample files/ValExtLinks report.txt

    r1144 r1147  
    11Validate External Links report
    2 generated Sun, 06 Sep 2020 17:19:16 GMT
    3 from data of Sun, 06 Sep 2020 14:20:01 GMT
     2generated Tue, 02 Feb 2021 17:37:31 GMT
     3from data of Tue, 02 Feb 2021 15:20:01 GMT
    44script by Iritscen (contact: http://iritscen.oni2.net)
    77Downloading list of external links from https://wiki.oni2.net/w/extlinks.csv... success.
    88Downloading list of reporting exceptions from https://wiki.oni2.net/Validate_External_Links/Exceptions... success.
    9 Found 3134 links to process.
     9Found 3191 links to process.
    12 Links to consider: 3134
     12Links to consider: 3191
    1313Site query timeout: 10 seconds
    1414Show OK links: No
    1515Take screenshots: No
    16 Suggest archive.org snapshots: Yes
     16Suggest archive.org snapshots for NG pages: Yes
     17Suggest archive.org snapshots for OK pages: No
    1718Ignore slash-adding redirects: Yes
    1819Ignore HTTPS-upgrading redirects: Yes
    4445Skipping URL 'https://mega.nz/#!x9oHxaLZ!-bOo-wwdj1fh925DYv1Qc6ErDSRl2HEgtWC-i2FtxtY' (found on page 'Oni_2_(Angel_Studios)') because its expected result, '000-28', is in the exceptions list.
    46 Skipping URL 'http://www.dreammaze.deviantart.com/' (found on page 'Community_portal') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.dreammaze.deviantart.com/'.
    4847Skipping URL 'http://www.bungie.net/Projects/Myth/default.aspx' (found on page 'Myth') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.bungie.net/Projects/Myth/default.aspx'.
    9089Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20061021035349/http://www.about.reuters.com/aboutus/overview/executiveteam/anne_bowerman_bio.asp?banner=aboutus' (found on page 'Voice_actors') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    92 Skipping line 121 ('NULL,NULL,http://iritscen.oni2.net/konoko_vivant/index.htm') because the namespace (and probably the page too) is 'NULL'. Probably the link is no longer in existence on the wiki.
     91Skipping line 120 ('NULL,NULL,http://iritscen.oni2.net/konoko_vivant/index.htm') because the namespace (and probably the page too) is 'NULL'. Probably the link is no longer in existence on the wiki.
    9493Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20080112204645/http://www.goodbrush.com:80/cpg146/thumbnails.php?album=12' (found on page 'Phoenix') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    128127Skipping URL 'https://www.artelino.com/articles/japanese_mythology.asp' (found on page 'Oni_(myth)') because its expected result, '403', is in the exceptions list.
    130 Skipping URL 'http://www.imsdb.com/scripts/Kill-Bill-Volume-1-&-2.html' (found on page 'Kill_Bill') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.imsdb.com/scripts/Kill-Bill-Volume-1-&-2.html'.
    132129Skipping URL 'http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0266697/quotes' (found on page 'Kill_Bill') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0266697/quotes'.
    174171Skipping URL 'http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Plane.html' (found on page 'PLEA') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Plane.html'.
    176 Skipping URL 'http://phys.org/news/2015-07-hacking-food-chain-silicon-valley.html' (found on page 'Restless_Souls/Summary') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://phys.org/news/2015-07-hacking-food-chain-silicon-valley.html'.
    178173Skipping URL 'http://www.sharecg.com/v/18378/3d-model/Halo-Masterchief' (found on page 'BGI') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.sharecg.com/v/18378/3d-model/Halo-Masterchief'.
    186181Skipping URL 'http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/200501/16/81/c0034881_1625357.jpg' (found on page 'Mukade') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/200501/16/81/c0034881_1625357.jpg'.
    188 Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/lvHCtSsqOnM?t=35' (found on page 'Truth_Number_Zero/Course_Of_Events') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvHCtSsqOnM&feature=youtu.be&t=35'.
     183Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/lvHCtSsqOnM?t=35' (found on page 'Truth_Number_Zero/Course_Of_Events') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=35&v=lvHCtSsqOnM&feature=youtu.be'.
    190185Skipping URL 'http://nephila1.exblog.jp/' (found on page 'Mukade') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://nephila1.exblog.jp/'.
    198193Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20110809131854/http://www.feedmag.com/templates/videogame_article.php3?a_id=1619' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    200 Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/Y_8XRkb-wbY?t=300' (found on page 'Caged_Birds') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_8XRkb-wbY&feature=youtu.be&t=300'.
     195Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/Y_8XRkb-wbY?t=300' (found on page 'Caged_Birds') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=300&v=Y_8XRkb-wbY&feature=youtu.be'.
    202197Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/cxTz30YOPhc' (found on page 'Functions') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxTz30YOPhc&feature=youtu.be'.
    224219Skipping URL 'http://www.fileplanet.com/search.aspx?searchtype=2&q=motoko' (found on page 'BGI') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.fileplanet.com/search.aspx?searchtype=2&q=motoko'.
     221NG (000-28) page https://www.tagesspiegel.de/wissen/patienten-ueber-80-jahre-werden-nicht-mehr-beatmet-deutsche-katastrophenaerzte-verfassen-alarmbericht-ueber-strassburg/25682596.html
     222  linked from https://wiki.oni2.net/User:Paradox-01/brain_dump
     223  IA suggests http://web.archive.org/web/20210125232036/https://www.tagesspiegel.de/wissen/patienten-ueber-80-jahre-werden-nicht-mehr-beatmet-deutsche-katastrophenaerzte-verfassen-alarmbericht-ueber-strassburg/25682596.html
    226225Skipping URL 'http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/free-obj-mode-rifle/361993' (found on page 'New_weapons') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/free-obj-mode-rifle/361993'.
    236235Skipping URL 'http://geyser.oni2.net/ONK/warehouse/WarehouseMod' (found on page 'Warehouse') because I have not been asked to show added trailing slashes, and I was redirected to 'http://geyser.oni2.net/ONK/warehouse/WarehouseMod/'.
    238 Skipping URL 'http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/~wimmer/view3dx/TEXUS.html' (found on page 'TXMP') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/~wimmer/view3dx/TEXUS.html'.
    240237Skipping URL 'http://www.businessinsider.com/japan-yakuza-mafia-aid-earthquake-tsunami-rescue-efforts-2011-3?IR=T' (found on page 'Restless_Souls/Summary') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.businessinsider.com/japan-yakuza-mafia-aid-earthquake-tsunami-rescue-efforts-2011-3?IR=T'.
    250247Skipping URL 'http://www.swo.com/streetarms.shtml' (found on page 'Syndicate') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.swo.com/streetarms.shtml'.
     249Skipping URL 'http://www.componentace.com/bde_replacement_database_delphi_absolute_database.htm' (found on page 'OniUnPacker/source') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.componentace.com/bde_replacement_database_delphi_absolute_database.htm'.
    252251Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20070217204248/http://www.soft-gems.net/VirtualTreeview/' (found on page 'OniUnPacker/source') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    262261Skipping URL 'http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0055774/' (found on page 'Barabas') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0055774/'.
    264 Skipping URL 'http://wiki.oni2.net/w/images/1/10/Separator.png'' on line 467 because it was found on JavaScript page 'Common.js'.
     263Skipping URL 'http://wiki.oni2.net/w/images/1/10/Separator.png'' on line 465 because it was found on JavaScript page 'Common.js'.
    266265Skipping URL 'http://wiki.oni2.net/w/index.php?title=Special:PrefixIndex&prefix=Divstyle&namespace=10' (found on page 'Divbox') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://wiki.oni2.net/w/index.php?title=Special:PrefixIndex&prefix=Divstyle&namespace=10'.
    298297Skipping URL 'http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=128467' (found on page 'Lightmapping_levels') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=128467'.
     299Skipping URL 'https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=55984' (found on page 'Neo/Archive1') because its expected result, '503', is in the exceptions list.
    300301Skipping URL 'http://www.skyscrapercity.com/archive/index.php/t-171704.html' (found on page 'Singapore') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.skyscrapercity.com/archive/index.php/t-171704.html'.
    384385Skipping URL 'http://mashiro.deviantart.com/art/Chick-with-Guns-25577156' (found on page 'Purple_hair_etc') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://mashiro.deviantart.com/art/Chick-with-Guns-25577156'.
    386 Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20030414092224/http://www.geocities.com/oni_netrealm/main.html' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     387Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20170705124855/http://www.glixel.com/interviews/oni-bungies-classic-inspired-by-ghost-in-the-shell-w474297' (found on page 'Bubblegum_Crisis') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    388389Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20141219081059/http://davidjoost.com/DavidJoost.com/Welcome.html' (found on page 'Quotes/Consoles/level_18c') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    416417Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20110716153612/http://www.macgamer.com/features/hello-again-oni-returns' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     419Skipping URL 'http://www.firingsquad.com/games/onipreview/' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.firingsquad.com/games/onipreview/'.
    418421Skipping URL 'http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/oni/news.html?sid=2452649&mode=all' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/oni/news.html?sid=2452649&mode=all'.
    420 Skipping URL 'http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/oni/news.html?mode=all&om_act=convert&om_clk=gsupdates&tag=updates;all' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/oni/news.html?mode=all&om_act=convert&om_clk=gsupdates&tag=updates;all'.
     423Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20011207214440/http://gamespot.com/gamespot/stories/previews/0,10869,2588945,00.html' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     425Skipping URL 'http://www.firingsquad.com/games/onireview/' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.firingsquad.com/games/onireview/'.
    422427Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20080110020958/http://the-junkyard.net/reviews.php?action=viewreview&id=16' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    430435Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20081121054700/http://www.corpnews.com/reviews/200102/14/01-oni/' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     437Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20051024020130/https://www.3sat.de/ard/pdf/Richard.pdf' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    432439Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20111121063028/http://gamecaptain.de/?file=showTest.php&&modrewrite=1&id=269' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    442449Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20041216014601/http://www.psycko-manga.de/reviews/Uebersicht/oni/oni.htm' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    444 Skipping URL 'http://www.3sat.de/ard/pdf/Richard.pdf' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.3sat.de/ard/pdf/Richard.pdf'.
    446451Skipping URL 'http://gameswelt.de/pc/previews/o/oni/index.php' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://gameswelt.de/pc/previews/o/oni/index.php'.
    448 Skipping URL 'http://www.gamigo.de/artikel_detail/ps/284/Oni/' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.gamigo.de/artikel_detail/ps/284/Oni/'.
    450453Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20160303184117/http://www.gamershell.com/pc/oni/review.html' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    456459Skipping URL 'http://www.omnigroup.com/ftp/pub/software/MacOSX/10.1/Oni-1.0v1.36.dmg' (found on page 'History_of_Mac_Oni') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.omnigroup.com/ftp/pub/software/MacOSX/10.1/Oni-1.0v1.36.dmg'.
     461Skipping URL 'http://www.conocophillips.com' (found on page 'Trivia') because I have not been asked to show added trailing slashes, and I was redirected to 'https://www.conocophillips.com/'.
    458463Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20110829191723/http://www.berjayahills.com/japanese_spa2.php' (found on page 'Trivia') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    460465Skipping URL 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8e-FF8MsqU' (found on page 'Oni_matrix') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8e-FF8MsqU'.
     467Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20130601222919/http://photoshare.ru/user/karasevarchi' (found on page 'NoGlass_Import_Test_1.jpg') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    462469Skipping URL 'http://www.java.com/en/download/' (found on page 'Anniversary_Edition') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.java.com/en/download/'.
    464471Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20070228000446/http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?section_name=dev&aid=3382' (found on page 'Credits') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    466 NG (000-28) page http://www.okita.com/home.htm
    467   linked from https://wiki.oni2.net/Credits
    468   IA suggests http://web.archive.org/web/20060702100621/http://www.okita.com/home.htm
    470473Skipping URL 'http://wiki.oni2.net/w/index.php?title=Oni&oldid=7685' (found on page 'Validate_External_Links') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://wiki.oni2.net/w/index.php?title=Oni&oldid=7685'.
    476479Skipping URL 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLZ2hJZvrmo&fmt=6' (found on page 'Trailers') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLZ2hJZvrmo&fmt=6'.
    478 Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20141115004950/http://www.allgame.com/game.php?id=24182&tab=review' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    480481Skipping URL 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLZ2hJZvrmo' (found on page 'Bobbysoon') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLZ2hJZvrmo'.
    534535Skipping URL 'http://sourceforge.net/projects/colladaloader/' (found on page 'OME') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://sourceforge.net/projects/colladaloader/'.
     537Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20140620124403/https://www.autodesk.com/products/softimage/overview' (found on page 'OME') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    536539Skipping URL 'http://www.n-tv.de/913309.html' (found on page 'Heavy_weapons') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.n-tv.de/913309.html'.
    544547Skipping URL 'http://www.stopforumspam.com/forum/f1-General-Discussion' (found on page 'War_on_spam') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.stopforumspam.com/forum/f1-General-Discussion'.
     549Skipping URL 'http://www.angelfire.com/on2/hackhome/OSGE/trouble.html' (found on page 'OSGE') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.angelfire.com/on2/hackhome/OSGE/trouble.html'.
    546551Skipping URL 'http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28831765/pass-command-line-to-first-instance-of-a-single-instance-app' (found on page 'Visual_Basic_.NET') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28831765/pass-command-line-to-first-instance-of-a-single-instance-app'.
    550555Skipping URL 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmMgyUzR4T8' (found on page 'Crescent_Moon_Kick') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmMgyUzR4T8'.
    552 Skipping URL 'http://www.cherryblossom-garden.com/1/aiko4.html' (found on page 'Trivia') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.cherryblossom-garden.com/1/aiko4.html'.
    554557Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/cxTz30YOPhc' (found on page 'List_of_built-in_commands') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxTz30YOPhc&feature=youtu.be'.
    570573Skipping URL 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kJF7HSJl04' (found on page 'Videos') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kJF7HSJl04'.
    572 Skipping URL 'http://www.flickr.com/photos/robot/297410613/' (found on page 'Bureaucat.jpg') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.flickr.com/photos/robot/297410613/'.
    574575Skipping URL 'http://www.sasugabooks.com/product_info.php?products_id=30417' (found on page 'Trivia') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.sasugabooks.com/product_info.php?products_id=30417'.
    648649Skipping URL 'http://www.1999.co.jp/dbimages/user/hobby/itbig/10051368a.jpg' (found on page 'BGI') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.1999.co.jp/dbimages/user/hobby/itbig/10051368a.jpg'.
    650 Skipping URL 'http://www.carbodydesign.com/archive/2008/02/13-morgan-lifecar-concept-preview/' (found on page 'AVATARA') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.carbodydesign.com/archive/2008/02/13-morgan-lifecar-concept-preview/'.
    652651Skipping URL 'http://phys.org/news/2015-10-team-hacks-off-the-shelf-d-printer.html' (found on page 'Restless_Souls/Technology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://phys.org/news/2015-10-team-hacks-off-the-shelf-d-printer.html'.
    660659Skipping URL 'http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000881/' (found on page 'Trailer') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000881/'.
    662 Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/XqX5wh4YeRw?t=46' (found on page 'Blender') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqX5wh4YeRw&feature=youtu.be&t=46'.
     661Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20001219022200/http://www.spielecity.net/showscreenshots.php3?spiel=Oni' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     663Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/XqX5wh4YeRw?t=46' (found on page 'Blender') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=46&v=XqX5wh4YeRw&feature=youtu.be'.
    664665Skipping URL 'http://fraps.com' (found on page 'Capturing_game_footage') because I have not been asked to show added trailing slashes, and I was redirected to 'https://fraps.com/'.
    714715Skipping URL 'http://www.swo.com/disclaimer.shtml' (found on page 'Geyser/STFUn00b') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.swo.com/disclaimer.shtml'.
    716 Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/3z0gnXgK8Do?t=535' (found on page 'Paradox-01/brain_dump') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z0gnXgK8Do&feature=youtu.be&t=535'.
     717Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/3z0gnXgK8Do?t=535' (found on page 'Paradox-01/brain_dump') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=535&v=3z0gnXgK8Do&feature=youtu.be'.
    718719Skipping URL 'http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/139715/sniper_mode_(xvid).avi' (found on page 'Sniper_scope_and_prone_mode') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://dl.getdropbox.com/u/139715/sniper_mode_(xvid).avi'.
    728729Skipping URL 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rErY_BwwLw' (found on page 'Trailer') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rErY_BwwLw'.
     731Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20050324024334/http://www23.brinkster.com/onichars/' (found on page 'Community_portal') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    730733Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/QzZcmebn5L4' (found on page 'TRAC') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzZcmebn5L4&feature=youtu.be'.
    788791Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20100909135036/http://www.battleangel.info/' (found on page 'GUNNM') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     793Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20090218055111/http://s9.invisionfree.com/ocforum/' (found on page 'Community_portal') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    790795Skipping URL 'http://www.rockstargames.com/stateofemergency/' (found on page 'State_of_Emergency') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.rockstargames.com/stateofemergency/'.
    876881Skipping URL 'http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/60508/BarabusPowerups.rar' (found on page 'Geyser/DoxProjectImagoTalkBackup') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://dl.getdropbox.com/u/60508/BarabusPowerups.rar'.
    878 Skipping URL 'http://youtu.be/wxzJ8ahjP8k' (found on page 'TRAM') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxzJ8ahjP8k&feature=youtu.be'.
     883Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/b_WffqZLDYQ?t=3094' (found on page 'Paradox-01/brain_dump') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=3094&v=b_WffqZLDYQ&feature=youtu.be'.
     885Skipping URL 'http://youtu.be/wxzJ8ahjP8k' (found on page 'TRAM') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://youtu.be/wxzJ8ahjP8k'.
    880887Skipping URL 'http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/139715/sound_detection.avi' (found on page 'Modding_brainstorms') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://dl.getdropbox.com/u/139715/sound_detection.avi'.
    882 Skipping URL 'http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us' (found on page 'Mouse_control_issues') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us'.
     889Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20070223023102/http://www.gamespot.com/features/e399/top5.html/' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    884891Skipping URL 'http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/3d-model-robot/262162' (found on page 'Iron_Demon') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/3d-model-robot/262162'.
    886 Skipping URL 'http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/windowssdk/thread/980e5018-3ade-4823-a6dc-5ddbcc3091d5' (found on page 'Mouse_control_issues') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/windowssdk/thread/980e5018-3ade-4823-a6dc-5ddbcc3091d5'.
    888893Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20000422020741/http://pc.ign.com:80/news/5839.html' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    890895Skipping URL 'http://developer.apple.com/technology/Xcode.html' (found on page 'XML_Modding_Lessons') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://developer.apple.com/technology/Xcode.html'.
    892 Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/a1XcY-xAvos?t=5m14s' (found on page 'Restless_Souls/Technology') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1XcY-xAvos&feature=youtu.be&t=5m14s'.
     897Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/a1XcY-xAvos?t=5m14s' (found on page 'Restless_Souls/Technology') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=5m14s&v=a1XcY-xAvos&feature=youtu.be'.
    894899Skipping URL 'http://phys.org/news/2015-06-scientists-molecular-key-potential-gmos.html' (found on page 'Restless_Souls/Technology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://phys.org/news/2015-06-scientists-molecular-key-potential-gmos.html'.
    912917Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20171018100642/https://www.raywenderlich.com/u/TommyTran' (found on page 'Restless_Souls/Wishlist') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     919Skipping URL 'https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2007764' (found on page 'Paradox-01/brain_dump') because its expected result, '302', is in the exceptions list.
    914921Skipping URL 'http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/315/5811/513' (found on page 'Restless_Souls/Technology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/315/5811/513'.
    968975Skipping URL 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbYGEqGG8Kc' (found on page 'Walkthrough/CHAPTER_12_._SINS_OF_THE_FATHER') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbYGEqGG8Kc'.
    970 Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/BqWrUGTQXn0?t=2m22s' (found on page 'Walkthrough/CHAPTER_04_._TIGER_BY_THE_TAIL') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqWrUGTQXn0&feature=youtu.be&t=2m22s'.
    972 Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/BqWrUGTQXn0?t=2m07s' (found on page 'Walkthrough/CHAPTER_04_._TIGER_BY_THE_TAIL') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqWrUGTQXn0&feature=youtu.be&t=2m07s'.
    974 Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/BqWrUGTQXn0?t=1m46s' (found on page 'Walkthrough/CHAPTER_04_._TIGER_BY_THE_TAIL') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqWrUGTQXn0&feature=youtu.be&t=1m46s'.
    976 Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/BqWrUGTQXn0?t=1m26s' (found on page 'Walkthrough/CHAPTER_04_._TIGER_BY_THE_TAIL') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqWrUGTQXn0&feature=youtu.be&t=1m26s'.
    978 Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/BqWrUGTQXn0?t=47s' (found on page 'Walkthrough/CHAPTER_04_._TIGER_BY_THE_TAIL') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqWrUGTQXn0&feature=youtu.be&t=47s'.
     977Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/BqWrUGTQXn0?t=2m22s' (found on page 'Walkthrough/CHAPTER_04_._TIGER_BY_THE_TAIL') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=2m22s&v=BqWrUGTQXn0&feature=youtu.be'.
     979Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/BqWrUGTQXn0?t=2m07s' (found on page 'Walkthrough/CHAPTER_04_._TIGER_BY_THE_TAIL') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=2m07s&v=BqWrUGTQXn0&feature=youtu.be'.
     981Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/BqWrUGTQXn0?t=1m46s' (found on page 'Walkthrough/CHAPTER_04_._TIGER_BY_THE_TAIL') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=1m46s&v=BqWrUGTQXn0&feature=youtu.be'.
     983Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/BqWrUGTQXn0?t=1m26s' (found on page 'Walkthrough/CHAPTER_04_._TIGER_BY_THE_TAIL') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=1m26s&v=BqWrUGTQXn0&feature=youtu.be'.
     985Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/BqWrUGTQXn0?t=47s' (found on page 'Walkthrough/CHAPTER_04_._TIGER_BY_THE_TAIL') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=47s&v=BqWrUGTQXn0&feature=youtu.be'.
    980987Skipping URL 'http://www.weltderphysik.de/de/2444.php' (found on page 'Restless_Souls/Technology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.weltderphysik.de/de/2444.php'.
    990997Skipping URL 'http://www.wundzentrum-hamburg.de/download/Barbara_Temme_05062008.pdf' (found on page 'Restless_Souls/Technology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.wundzentrum-hamburg.de/download/Barbara_Temme_05062008.pdf'.
     999Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20130601222919/http://photoshare.ru/user/karasevarchi' (found on page 'New_levels') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1001Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20190322060419/http://photoshare.ru/album9528.html' (found on page 'New_levels') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1003Skipping URL 'https://archive.is/d1sNZ' (found on page 'Paradox-01/brain_dump') because I encountered the unknown response code 429.
     1005Skipping URL 'https://wiki.oni2.net/Special:AllMessages?prefix=&filter=modified&lang=en&limit=50' (found on page 'Iritscen/WikiMods') because its expected result, 'EI', is in the exceptions list.
    9921007Skipping URL 'http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css' (found on page 'Common.css') because its expected result, 'IW', is in the exceptions list.
    9941009Skipping URL 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrKJAojmB1Y' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrKJAojmB1Y'.
     1011Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/19990506131036/http://www.macaddict.com/exclusive/oni.preview.html' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    9961013Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20020106131940/http://oni.bungie.org/index.html' (found on page 'OC_logo_until_2006.jpg') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    10041021Skipping URL 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UuesYUvyAk' (found on page 'TRBS') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UuesYUvyAk'.
     1023Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/OyBNmecVtdU?t=521' (found on page 'Restless_Souls/Summary') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=521&v=OyBNmecVtdU&feature=youtu.be'.
    10061025Skipping URL 'http://idw-online.de/pages/de/attachmentdata8851.pdf' (found on page 'Restless_Souls/Technology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://idw-online.de/pages/de/attachmentdata8851.pdf'.
    1008 Skipping URL 'http://www.google.com/search'' on line 1841 because it was found on JavaScript page 'Common.js/search.js'.
    1010 Skipping URL 'http://search.yahoo.com/search'' on line 1842 because it was found on JavaScript page 'Common.js/search.js'.
    1012 Skipping URL 'http://www.bing.com/search'' on line 1843 because it was found on JavaScript page 'Common.js/search.js'.
    1014 Skipping URL 'http://wiki.oni2.net'' on line 1844 because it was found on JavaScript page 'Common.js/search.js'.
     1027Skipping URL 'http://www.google.com/search'' on line 1854 because it was found on JavaScript page 'Common.js/search.js'.
     1029Skipping URL 'http://search.yahoo.com/search'' on line 1855 because it was found on JavaScript page 'Common.js/search.js'.
     1031Skipping URL 'http://www.bing.com/search'' on line 1856 because it was found on JavaScript page 'Common.js/search.js'.
     1033Skipping URL 'http://wiki.oni2.net'' on line 1857 because it was found on JavaScript page 'Common.js/search.js'.
    10161035Skipping URL 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUmmLTjSaqQ' (found on page 'Pre-beta_features') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUmmLTjSaqQ'.
    10501069Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20020605121406/http://www.happypuppy.com/features/e32k/oni-ps2-1.html' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    1052 Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/200101232342/http://www.dailyradar.com/previews/game_preview_1217.html' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    10541071Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20010608090124/http://www.dailyradar.com/previews/game_preview_611.html' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    10861103Skipping URL 'http://www.wired.com/2015/02/absurd-creature-of-the-week-notothenioids/' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.wired.com/2015/02/absurd-creature-of-the-week-notothenioids/'.
    1088 Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20000824120335/http://www.gamepen.com/preview/PC/08_12_1999_750_1.asp' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1105Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20141114030522/http://www.allgame.com/game.php?id=24182&tab=review' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    10901107Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20010418141758/http://www.ga-source.com/features/fpsru2.shtml' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    11061123Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20010710064510/http://www.insidemacgames.com/previews/99/oni/oni.shtml' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    1108 Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/200012011910/http://www.3dfxgamers.com/view.asp?IOID=1389' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    11101125Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20050225064346/http://www.womengamers.com/revprev/act/onidemo.php' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    11381153Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/19990824063223/http://avault.com/previews/preview_temp.asp?game=oni&page=1' (found on page 'Oni') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    1140 Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/200012061625/http://www.insidemacgames.com/features/00/dunn/' (found on page 'Oni') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    11421155Skipping URL 'http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/946581/0000891554-00-000145.txt' (found on page 'Oni') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/946581/0000891554-00-000145.txt'.
    11521165Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20050807011518/http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Oni_d20' (found on page 'A_Storyline/PostSummary2') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1167Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/19fjsk9blB4' (found on page 'Paradox-01') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19fjsk9blB4&feature=youtu.be'.
    11541169Skipping URL 'http://store.steampowered.com/app/257400/Fuse/' (found on page 'Restless_Souls/Wishlist') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://store.steampowered.com/app/257400/Fuse/'.
    11641179Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/yTniZCOCY7o' (found on page 'UnrealOni/ALS') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTniZCOCY7o&feature=youtu.be'.
    1166 Skipping line 2033 ('NULL,NULL,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvhmG0Bg0Cw&t=2m8s') because the namespace (and probably the page too) is 'NULL'. Probably the link is no longer in existence on the wiki.
     1181Skipping line 2044 ('NULL,NULL,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvhmG0Bg0Cw&t=2m8s') because the namespace (and probably the page too) is 'NULL'. Probably the link is no longer in existence on the wiki.
    11681183Skipping URL 'http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0437086/?ref_=nv_sr_1' (found on page 'GUNNM') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0437086/?ref_=nv_sr_1'.
    11821197Skipping URL 'http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2051177,00.html' (found on page 'Restless_Souls/Technology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2051177,00.html'.
    1184 Skipping URL 'http://youtu.be/vfKPzP5hiCo' (found on page 'ONLV') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfKPzP5hiCo&feature=youtu.be'.
     1199Skipping URL 'http://youtu.be/vfKPzP5hiCo' (found on page 'ONLV') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://youtu.be/vfKPzP5hiCo'.
    11861201Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20160803061035/http://softimage.wiki.softimage.com/index.php?title=Scripting_Tips_and_Tricks_(XSISDK)' (found on page 'Mod_Tool') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    11981213Skipping URL 'http://download.autodesk.com/global/docs/softimage2013/en_us/sdkguide/index.html?url=si_cmds/Translate.html,topicNumber=si_cmds_Translate_html' (found on page 'Mod_Tool') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://download.autodesk.com/global/docs/softimage2013/en_us/sdkguide/index.html?url=si_cmds/Translate.html,topicNumber=si_cmds_Translate_html'.
    1200 Skipping URL 'http://www.w3schools.com/vbscript/vbscript_ref_functions.asp' (found on page 'Mod_Tool') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.w3schools.com/vbscript/vbscript_ref_functions.asp'.
    12021215Skipping URL 'http://download.autodesk.com/global/docs/softimage2013/en_us/sdkguide/index.html?url=si_om/XSIUIToolkit.MsgBox.html,topicNumber=si_om_XSIUIToolkit_MsgBox_html' (found on page 'Mod_Tool') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://download.autodesk.com/global/docs/softimage2013/en_us/sdkguide/index.html?url=si_om/XSIUIToolkit.MsgBox.html,topicNumber=si_om_XSIUIToolkit_MsgBox_html'.
    13321345Skipping URL 'http://phys.org/news/2015-04-human-technical-ingenuity-required-defeat.html' (found on page 'Restless_Souls/Technology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://phys.org/news/2015-04-human-technical-ingenuity-required-defeat.html'.
    1334 Skipping URL 'http://youtu.be/Em6wa5JTQNM' (found on page 'ONLV') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Em6wa5JTQNM&feature=youtu.be'.
     1347Skipping URL 'http://youtu.be/Em6wa5JTQNM' (found on page 'ONLV') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://youtu.be/Em6wa5JTQNM'.
    13361349Skipping URL 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDuQHITARk4' (found on page 'Videos') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDuQHITARk4'.
    1338 Skipping URL 'http://youtu.be/eq91flq6YkU' (found on page 'ONWC') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq91flq6YkU&feature=youtu.be'.
     1351Skipping URL 'http://youtu.be/eq91flq6YkU' (found on page 'ONWC') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://youtu.be/eq91flq6YkU'.
    13401353Skipping URL 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YICB7qugrtc' (found on page 'ONLV') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YICB7qugrtc'.
    13561369Skipping URL 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bib24bRXuhQ' (found on page 'Videos') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bib24bRXuhQ'.
    1358 Skipping URL 'http://youtu.be/vfKPzP5hiCo' (found on page 'ONLV') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfKPzP5hiCo&feature=youtu.be'.
     1371Skipping URL 'http://youtu.be/vfKPzP5hiCo' (found on page 'ONLV') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://youtu.be/vfKPzP5hiCo'.
    13601373Skipping URL 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yj3ptZnZtx0' (found on page 'ONLV') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yj3ptZnZtx0'.
    13701383Skipping URL 'http://vimeo.com/67783125' (found on page 'Mod_Tool') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://vimeo.com/67783125'.
     1385Skipping URL 'http://pfhorums.com/' (found on page 'Marathon') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://pfhorums.com/'.
    13721387Skipping URL 'http://phys.org/news/2013-09-hardware-trojans-undetectable.html' (found on page 'Restless_Souls/Technology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://phys.org/news/2013-09-hardware-trojans-undetectable.html'.
    13761391Skipping URL 'http://www.game-artist.net/forums/support-tech-discussion/5622-burning-shadows-onto-texture-xsi.html' (found on page 'ONLV') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.game-artist.net/forums/support-tech-discussion/5622-burning-shadows-onto-texture-xsi.html'.
    1378 Skipping URL 'http://youtu.be/2_3xo8-31-U' (found on page 'Mod_Tool/OniTools_addon') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_3xo8-31-U&feature=youtu.be'.
     1393Skipping URL 'http://youtu.be/2_3xo8-31-U' (found on page 'Mod_Tool/OniTools_addon') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://youtu.be/2_3xo8-31-U'.
    13801395Skipping URL 'http://download.autodesk.com/global/docs/softimage2013/en_us/userguide/index.html?url=files/ICE_trees_DebuggingICETrees.htm,topicNumber=d30e269791' (found on page 'Mod_Tool') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://download.autodesk.com/global/docs/softimage2013/en_us/userguide/index.html?url=files/ICE_trees_DebuggingICETrees.htm,topicNumber=d30e269791'.
    14741489Skipping URL 'http://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/monsters-in-a-box/Content?oid=901762' (found on page 'Oni') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/monsters-in-a-box/Content?oid=901762'.
    1476 NG (500) page https://bytes.com/topic/visual-basic-net/answers/630751-how-do-i-pass-command-line-another-instance-my-application-already-running
    1477   linked from https://wiki.oni2.net/Talk:Mod_Tool/OniTools_addon
    1478   IA suggests http://web.archive.org/web/20150926205808/http://bytes.com/topic/visual-basic-net/answers/630751-how-do-i-pass-command-line-another-instance-my-application-already-running
    14801491Skipping URL 'http://phys.org/news/2012-03-laser-lightning-rod-electricity.html' (found on page 'Restless_Souls/Technology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://phys.org/news/2012-03-laser-lightning-rod-electricity.html'.
    15061517Skipping URL 'http://www.japantimes.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/nb20131112a2a.jpg' (found on page 'Caged_Birds') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.japantimes.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/nb20131112a2a.jpg'.
    1508 Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/4v_elVuwx0c?t=11m38s' (found on page 'Jello-cam') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4v_elVuwx0c&feature=youtu.be&t=11m38s'.
     1519Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/4v_elVuwx0c?t=11m38s' (found on page 'Jello-cam') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=11m38s&v=4v_elVuwx0c&feature=youtu.be'.
    15101521Skipping URL 'http://wiki.oni2.net/w/index.php?title=Ai2_allpassive&redirect=no' (found on page 'Noredirect') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://wiki.oni2.net/w/index.php?title=Ai2_allpassive&redirect=no'.
    1512 Skipping URL 'http://wiki.oni2.net/Oni2:Slaves_of_War' on line 2370 because it was found on JavaScript page 'Iritscen/vector.js'.
     1523Skipping URL 'http://wiki.oni2.net/Oni2:Slaves_of_War' on line 2381 because it was found on JavaScript page 'Iritscen/vector.js'.
     1525Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20010118230100/http://www.onicore.com/interviews/alexokita.html' (found on page 'Oni') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1527Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20170705124855/http://www.glixel.com/interviews/oni-bungies-classic-inspired-by-ghost-in-the-shell-w474297' (found on page 'Oni') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    15141529Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20071116050049/http://www23.brinkster.com/onichars/Downloads/files/' (found on page 'Modding_tools') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    15181533Skipping URL 'http://wiki.oni2.net/w/index.php?title=Special:PrefixIndex&prefix=Grouping&namespace=100' (found on page 'Grouping/doc') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://wiki.oni2.net/w/index.php?title=Special:PrefixIndex&prefix=Grouping&namespace=100'.
     1535Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20030414092224/http://www.geocities.com/oni_netrealm/main.html' (found on page 'Community_portal') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    15201537Skipping URL 'http://wiki.oni2.net/w/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=interwikimap' (found on page 'Editing') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://wiki.oni2.net/w/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=interwikimap'.
    15281545Skipping URL 'http://www.cadnav.com/3d-models/model-39309.html' (found on page 'Geyser/CharacterTutorialMixamoToUE4') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.cadnav.com/3d-models/model-39309.html'.
    1530 Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/jbrPu15jjPs?t=960' (found on page 'Oni') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbrPu15jjPs&feature=youtu.be&t=960'.
     1547Skipping URL 'https://twitter.com/mehvechan' (found on page 'Art_by_Lorraine') because its expected result, '400', is in the exceptions list.
     1549Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/jbrPu15jjPs?t=960' (found on page 'Oni') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=960&v=jbrPu15jjPs&feature=youtu.be'.
     1551Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20070912140716/http://ianpatt.hp.infoseek.co.jp/' (found on page 'Community_portal') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    15321553Skipping URL 'https://wiki.oni2.net/Special:ListFiles?limit=500&ilsearch=Fallen' (found on page 'Fallen_Enemies.jpg') because its expected result, 'EI', is in the exceptions list.
    15341555Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20101130143740/http://www.alhexx.com/releases/games/oni.html' (found on page 'Modding_tools') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1557NG (000-28) page http://www.aegisub.org/
     1558  linked from https://wiki.oni2.net/Capturing_game_footage
     1559  IA suggests http://web.archive.org/web/20201215063947/http://www.aegisub.org
    15361561Skipping URL 'http://phys.org/news/2014-07-large-hadron-collider.html' (found on page 'Caged_Birds') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://phys.org/news/2014-07-large-hadron-collider.html'.
    15381563Skipping URL 'http://oceanovidaescondida.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/branca.jpg' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://oceanovidaescondida.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/branca.jpg'.
    1540 Skipping URL 'http://www.flickr.com/photos/34154526@N07/4674281745/' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.flickr.com/photos/34154526@N07/4674281745/'.
     1565RD (301) page http://www.flickr.com/photos/34154526@N07/4674281745/
     1566  linked from https://wiki.oni2.net/Oni2:Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology
     1567  Server suggests https://www.flickr.com:443/photos/34154526@N07/4674281745/
    15421569Skipping URL 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjHMGSI_h0Q' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjHMGSI_h0Q'.
    15481575Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20171213051543/https://www.today.com/news/dolphins-save-surfer-becoming-sharks-bait-2D80555123' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    1550 Skipping URL 'http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/news/animals-news/psychedelic-fish-video-vin' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/news/animals-news/psychedelic-fish-video-vin'.
    15521577Skipping URL 'http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=can-squid-fly' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=can-squid-fly'.
    15661591Skipping URL 'http://www.livescience.com/40132-underwater-mystery-circles.html' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.livescience.com/40132-underwater-mystery-circles.html'.
    1568 Skipping URL 'http://www.npr.org/blogs/krulwich/2011/06/01/128389587/look-up-the-billion-bug-highway-you-cant-see' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.npr.org/blogs/krulwich/2011/06/01/128389587/look-up-the-billion-bug-highway-you-cant-see'.
    15701593Skipping URL 'http://www.treehugger.com/natural-sciences/rare-interspecies-play-observed-between-dolphins-and-whales.html' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.treehugger.com/natural-sciences/rare-interspecies-play-observed-between-dolphins-and-whales.html'.
    16281651Skipping URL 'https://commonfund.nih.gov/hmp/' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology') because its expected result, '404', is in the exceptions list.
    1630 Skipping URL 'http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2013/11/01/242361826/exploring-the-invisible-universe-that-lives-on-us-and-in-us' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2013/11/01/242361826/exploring-the-invisible-universe-that-lives-on-us-and-in-us'.
    16321653Skipping URL 'http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2633676/' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2633676/'.
    16361657Skipping URL 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8ckbyvEIEE' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Settings') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8ckbyvEIEE'.
     1659Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20090414135557/http://oni.planets.gamespy.com/community/links.shtml' (found on page 'Community_portal') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    16381661Skipping URL 'http://ethiopianorphanrelief.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/harar.jpg' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Settings') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://ethiopianorphanrelief.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/harar.jpg'.
    16461669Skipping URL 'http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/24/hong-kong-rooftopping-video-german-teenager_n_6931756.html?cps=gravity_2429_7699976840523977588' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Settings') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/24/hong-kong-rooftopping-video-german-teenager_n_6931756.html?cps=gravity_2429_7699976840523977588'.
    1648 Skipping URL 'http://news.yahoo.com/colombian-city-gets-giant-outdoor-escalator-003300654.html' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Settings') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://news.yahoo.com/colombian-city-gets-giant-outdoor-escalator-003300654.html'.
    16501671Skipping URL 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8bl3gQN_J0' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Settings') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8bl3gQN_J0'.
    16601681Skipping URL 'http://willaustin.com/blog/' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Settings') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://willaustin.com/blog/'.
    1662 Skipping URL 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=0SGM7yJqXj0' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Settings') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=0SGM7yJqXj0'.
    16641683Skipping URL 'http://www.kclibrary.org/' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Settings') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.kclibrary.org/'.
    16661685Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/dhOYRHt2cqM' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Settings') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhOYRHt2cqM&feature=youtu.be'.
     1687Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20160529151558/https://www.charismaticplanet.com/magical-spotted-lake-canada/' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Settings') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    16681689Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20120207122635/http://www.uee.kyoto-u.ac.jp/english/laboratory/geofront/geofront.htm' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Settings') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    16781699Skipping URL 'http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=3042' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Settings') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=3042'.
     1701Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20080612150437/http://edt.oni2.net/onimap.html' (found on page 'Community_portal') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    16801703Skipping URL 'http://www.reddit.com/r/earthporn' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Settings') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.reddit.com/r/earthporn'.
    16981721Skipping URL 'http://www.youtube.com/user/cat2525jp' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Settings') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/user/cat2525jp'.
    1700 Skipping URL 'http://youtu.be/C7izqEHoEyY?t=50s' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Impressions') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7izqEHoEyY&feature=youtu.be&t=50s'.
    1702 Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/fPyUrwrNmy4?t=1427' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Impressions') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPyUrwrNmy4&feature=youtu.be&t=1427'.
     1723Skipping URL 'http://youtu.be/C7izqEHoEyY?t=50s' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Impressions') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://youtu.be/C7izqEHoEyY?t=50s'.
     1725Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/fPyUrwrNmy4?t=1427' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Impressions') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=1427&v=fPyUrwrNmy4&feature=youtu.be'.
    17041727Skipping URL 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8ckbyvEIEE' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Impressions') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8ckbyvEIEE'.
     1729Skipping URL 'http://www.theastronauts.com/2012/11/why-we-cant-feel-and-play-at-the-same-time/' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Design') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.theastronauts.com/2012/11/why-we-cant-feel-and-play-at-the-same-time/'.
    17061731Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20170610232224/http://furiousfanboys.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/BITmX.jpg' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Design') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    1708 Skipping URL 'http://youtu.be/Q90wI3G0iqc?t=36s' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Design') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q90wI3G0iqc&feature=youtu.be&t=36s'.
     1733Skipping URL 'http://youtu.be/Q90wI3G0iqc?t=36s' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Design') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://youtu.be/Q90wI3G0iqc?t=36s'.
    17101735Skipping URL 'http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/6583/examining_subjective_difficulty_.php' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Design') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/6583/examining_subjective_difficulty_.php'.
    17221747Skipping URL 'http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/EmilyShort/20150609/245530/Tightening_the_WorldPlot_Interface_or_Why_I_Am_Obsessed_With_Conversation_Models.php' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Design') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/EmilyShort/20150609/245530/Tightening_the_WorldPlot_Interface_or_Why_I_Am_Obsessed_With_Conversation_Models.php'.
     1749Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20201020055618/https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/us-sanktionen-china-101.html' (found on page 'Paradox-01/brain_dump') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    17241751Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20140701161055/http://envisioningtech.com/envisioning2012/' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Story') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    17281755Skipping URL 'http://www.theatlantic.com/past/docs/issues/2000/06/chase.htm' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Factions') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.theatlantic.com/past/docs/issues/2000/06/chase.htm'.
    1730 Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/s3OmgeYRV4I?t=707' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Story') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3OmgeYRV4I&feature=youtu.be&t=707'.
     1757Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/s3OmgeYRV4I?t=707' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Story') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=707&v=s3OmgeYRV4I&feature=youtu.be'.
    17321759Skipping URL 'http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/40222/DICE_2012_Putting_story_before_gameplay_a_waste_of_time_says_Jaffe.php' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Story') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/40222/DICE_2012_Putting_story_before_gameplay_a_waste_of_time_says_Jaffe.php'.
    17341761Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20200611015324/http://miyazaki-moebius.com/' (found on page 'Geyser/Test2') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1763Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20201116003259/http://www.imsdb.com/scripts/Kill-Bill-Volume-1-&-2.html' (found on page 'Kill_Bill') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1765Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20130909194954/http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/~wimmer/view3dx/TEXUS.html' (found on page 'TXMP') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    17361767Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20191108032711/http://www.mindspring.com/~cityzoo/tips/wrapgrid.txt' (found on page 'OniUnPacker/source') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    17681799Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20180215232943/http://www.orgone.tv/' (found on page 'WCG') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1801Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20200115155554/http://www.insidemacgames.com/reviews/view.php?ID=120' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    17701803Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20080516003329/http://www.tusoft.de/html/gam_oni.htm' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1805Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20061120133626/http://www.dergrenadier.de/struktur/rezension/oni/oni.htm' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    17721807Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20090920123649/http://snp.bpb.de/projekte/oni.pdf' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    17761811Skipping URL 'http://www.behindthename.com/name/mai-2' (found on page 'Konoko') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://www.behindthename.com/name/mai-2'.
    1778 Skipping URL 'https://agris.fao.org/agris-search/search.do?recordID=JP1999005272' (found on page 'Trivia') because I encountered the unknown URL ending 'do'. Please add this ending to the appropriate array in this script, HTTP_FILES or HTTP_TLDS_AND_PAGES.
     1813Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20060702100621/http://www.okita.com/home.htm' (found on page 'Credits') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    17801815Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20110312120045/http://www.polymallet.com/' (found on page 'Credits') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1817Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20160224174807/http://www.insidemacgames.com/features/view.php?ID=4' (found on page 'Credits') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    17821819Skipping URL 'http://wiki.oni2.net/w/extlinks.csv' (found on page 'Validate_External_Links') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://wiki.oni2.net/w/extlinks.csv'.
    17921829Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20090814100526/http://www.kyoto.zaq.ne.jp/mibu/eng/pages/plays/tales.html#Anchor-Ogre-43793' (found on page 'Oni_(myth)') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1831Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20060111211648/http://www.hainu.edu.cn/zy_wuzhuangbu/asp_hainu_show.asp?id=809' (found on page 'Restless_Souls/Technology') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1833Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20101214110442/http://cherryblossom-garden.com/1/aiko4.html' (found on page 'Trivia') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    17941835Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20080101095349/http://www.merkur.de/2007_51_Bluehende_Ozeane.25382.0.html?&no_cache=1' (found on page 'Paradox-01/brain_dump') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    17981839Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20080404000113/http://news.teamxbox.com/xbox/3113/Strident-Trailer/' (found on page 'Strident') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1841Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20160404072602/http://www.webwombat.com.au/motoring/news_reports/holden-efijy-concept-car-of-year-2007.htm' (found on page 'AVATARA') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1843Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20150818162900/http://www.carbodydesign.com/archive/2008/02/13-morgan-lifecar-concept-preview' (found on page 'AVATARA') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    18001845Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20090520145941/http://www.gamedev.net/reference/programming/features/welzlminsphere/default.asp' (found on page 'PNTA') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1847Skipping URL 'https://archive.is/25Kfh' (found on page 'Paradox-01/brain_dump') because I encountered the unknown response code 429.
    18021849Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20101211155335/http://colladablender.illusoft.com/cms/content/blogcategory/18/44/' (found on page 'Neo/Archive2') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    18041851Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20170816043624/http://karakuriya.com/english/doll/shinatama.htm' (found on page 'Shinatama') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1853Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20200903015045/http://photoshare.ru/photo376231.html' (found on page 'New_levels') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    18061855Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20090413130244/http://oni.planets.gamespy.com/info/cheats.shtml' (found on page 'History_of_Oni_modding/The_tale_of_Dev_Mode') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1857Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20001201191000/http://www.3dfxgamers.com/view.asp?IOID=1389' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    18081859Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20081120155350/http://www.zapster.it/images/tools/wallpapers/1024x768/oni4.jpg' (found on page 'Konoko_Crouching_-_Wallpaper_2.jpg') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    18141865Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20141112095925/http://home.luna.nl/~xino/fonts/xenotron/index.html' (found on page 'Xenotron') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1867Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20170716123444/http://web.tiscali.it/antonio_santelia/galleria/093.htm' (found on page 'WCG') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    18161869Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20200119112157/http://ghost.halomaps.org/bluestreak/gbxmodel/' (found on page 'ONIrules') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    18201873Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20081112044140/http://bards.fr/orgkom/wupper2008.jpg' (found on page 'Geyser/Artwork') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1875Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20110914171620/http://www.photoshare.ru/album107891.html' (found on page 'New_levels') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    18221877Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20050902092952/http://membres.lycos.fr/feena/rpg/grandia2/' (found on page 'Hikari') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1879Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20201219233154/https://www.tagesspiegel.de/wissen/wissenschaftler-warnen-dann-wuerde-der-lockdown-bis-in-den-april-verlaengert-werden/26729146.html?utm_source=pocket-newtab-global-de-DE' (found on page 'Paradox-01/brain_dump') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1881Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20000831053711/' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1883Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20001217132600/http://www.gamespot.co.uk/news/specials/2000/milia/5606.html' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    18241885Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20090614031049/http://www.driverheaven.net/mobility-radeon-drivers-support/76736-ati-mobility-firegl-t2-hp-nw8000.html' (found on page 'Neo/Archive2') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    18281889Skipping URL 'http://sites.google.com/site/gumby701/bomber.wmv' (found on page 'Neo/Archive4') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://sites.google.com/site/gumby701/bomber.wmv'.
    1830 Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/BqWrUGTQXn0?t=3s' (found on page 'Walkthrough/CHAPTER_04_._TIGER_BY_THE_TAIL') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqWrUGTQXn0&feature=youtu.be&t=3s'.
     1891Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20120316020342/http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/orwell/1278/Appleseed.htm' (found on page 'Appleseed') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1893Skipping URL 'https://youtu.be/BqWrUGTQXn0?t=3s' (found on page 'Walkthrough/CHAPTER_04_._TIGER_BY_THE_TAIL') because I have not been asked to show redirects for youtu.be links, and I was redirected to 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=3s&v=BqWrUGTQXn0&feature=youtu.be'.
    18321895Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20110820102502/http://home.luna.nl/~xino/times2/funtower.htm' (found on page 'New_levels') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    18341897Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20170705124855/http://www.glixel.com/interviews/oni-bungies-classic-inspired-by-ghost-in-the-shell-w474297' (found on page 'Pre-beta_features') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1899Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20010123234200/http://www.dailyradar.com/previews/game_preview_1217.html' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    18361901Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20100621160148/http://www.types-of-flowers.org/pictures/resurrection_plant.jpg' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1903Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20010223233025/http://gamepen.ugo.com/preview/PC/08_12_1999_750_1.asp' (found on page 'Reviews') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1905Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20181019075755/http://www.insidemacgames.com/features/view.php?ID=173' (found on page 'Oni') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1907Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20001206162500/http://www.insidemacgames.com/features/00/dunn/' (found on page 'Oni') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1909Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20150707131602/https://www.w3schools.com/vbscript/vbscript_ref_functions.asp' (found on page 'Mod_Tool') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    18381911Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20170102120711/http://softimage.wiki.softimage.com/xsidocs/audio_LoadingAudioFilesintheAnimationMixer.htm#Rdy36984' (found on page 'Mod_Tool') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    18521925Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20160803061035/http://softimage.wiki.softimage.com/index.php?title=Scripting_Tips_and_Tricks_(XSISDK)' (found on page 'Mod_Tool/Scripting') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1927Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20150926205808/http://bytes.com/topic/visual-basic-net/answers/630751-how-do-i-pass-command-line-another-instance-my-application-already-running' (found on page 'Mod_Tool/OniTools_addon') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    18541929Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20121031134317/http://www.mwusers.com/forums/showthread.php?18647-onclick-in-wikitext' (found on page 'Paradox-01/Archive1') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1931Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20040109125028/http://www.insidemacgames.com/features/view.php?ID=4&Page=2' (found on page 'Jello-cam') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1933Skipping URL 'http://onisite.tripod.com/' (found on page 'Community_portal') because I have not been asked to show http->https upgrades, and I was redirected to 'https://onisite.tripod.com/'.
     1935Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20070708230340/http://www.raysnet.com/konokosworld/' (found on page 'Community_portal') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    18561937Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20181006203834/https://wiki.unrealengine.com/Unreal_Motion_Graphics_(UMG)_UI_-_Inventory_Tutorial_Playlist' (found on page 'Restless_Souls/Wishlist') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    18621943Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20171206175932/https://www.livescience.com/17279-personality-traits-affect-smell.html' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Neo-Biology') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    1864 Skipping URL 'https://archive.is/r7NFH' (found on page 'Paradox-01/brain_dump') because its expected result, '503', is in the exceptions list.
     1945Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20120109023407/http://news.yahoo.com/colombian-city-gets-giant-outdoor-escalator-003300654.html' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Settings') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1947Skipping URL 'https://archive.is/r7NFH' (found on page 'Paradox-01/brain_dump') because I encountered the unknown response code 429.
     1949Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20091026214008/http://geocities.com/repulsarlift/oni/' (found on page 'Community_portal') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    18661951Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20150118174402/http://www.strangebuildings.com/solar-furnace-odeillo-france/' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Settings') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    18681953Skipping URL 'http://web.archive.org/web/20170124045754/https://vision.arc.nasa.gov/personnel/al/papers/64vision/17.htm' (found on page 'Slaves_of_War/Design') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
     1955Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20200527161950/https://de.reuters.com/article/usa-staatsanleihen-japan-idDEKCN1V60CD' (found on page 'Paradox-01/brain_dump') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    18701957Skipping URL 'https://web.archive.org/web/20200327194536/https:/twitter.com/stephan09342968/status/1243617357832114177' (found on page 'Paradox-01/brain_dump') because I have not been asked to check Wayback Machine links.
    1877 Summary (19 min. 9 sec. elapsed):
    1878 I finished processing 3134 of 3134 links (there were 703 file links and 2204 page links).
    1879 3134 processed links:
    1880 - 9 links could not be processed
    1881 - 218 Archive.org links were not checked
    1882 - 18 processed links had issues
    1883   (excepted 16 link issues from report)
    1884 - 2889 processed links were OK
    1885   (counted 673 trivial redirections as OK)
    1886 9 link errors:
     1964Summary (21 min. 9 sec. elapsed):
     1965I finished processing 3191 of 3191 links (there were 705 file links and 2216 page links).
     19663191 processed links:
     1967- 11 links could not be processed
     1968- 262 Archive.org links were not checked
     1969- 22 processed links had issues
     1970  (excepted 19 link issues from report)
     1971- 2896 processed links were OK
     1972  (counted 665 trivial redirections as OK)
     197311 link errors:
    18871974- 2 missing/unknown namespaces
    18881975- 6 links on JavaScript pages
    1889 - 1 unknown URL suffix
    1890 16 link problems excepted:
    1891 - 9/11 NG links
    1892 - 4/4 redirections
    1893 - 2/2 external internal links
     1976- 3 unknown response codes
     197719 link problems excepted:
     1978- 10/12 NG links
     1979- 5/6 redirections
     1980- 3/3 external internal links
    18941981- 1/1 potential intrawiki link
    1895 2 link issues:
     19823 link issues:
    18961983- 2 NG links
     1984- 1 redirection
    18971985ValExtLinks says goodbye.
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.